The site Located at 225km from Colombo. The history goes back to the 9th century B.C. The second most ancient and medieval capital of Sri Lanka and One of the world Heritage sites of Srilanka, Polonnaruwa was first declared the capital city by King Vijayabahu the 1st, who defeated the Chola invaders in 11th century AD to reunite the country once more under a local leader. The entire landscape of the region is punctuated by huge man-made reservoirs, the most famous Parakrama Samudra. The monuments are relatively well preserved and give clear evidence of the glory of Sri Lanka’s past. Remains of Royal Palace complexes including the Kings Palace and Audience Hall, Stupas, Masterpieces of sculpture and paintings, Gal Vihara - The four Buddha statues which are in a perfect state of preservation, Some of the best examples of the Hindu influence – the Temples of Shiva, intricate statues of Hindu Gods, remains of a former Temple of the Tooth are other impressive sights.